Behavior Map

A behavior change tool that everyone can use so we can design the world we believe in.

Creative Commons License.



SproutsIO pt.1

Developed the initial survey of the listserv, analyzed data, and translated it into useful findings to support stakeholder investment, user segmentation, beta test selection, and product improvement.

SproutsIO pt. 2

Designed and managed the Beta Testing Program. Utilized focus groups, usability lab studies, and quantitative surveys to rapidly iterate the product and customer experience.

Emotions & Food

Applied the latest research from affective science and decision-making to recommend new avenues for food industries to improve public health.


"Ben tackles big questions in public health using creative and innovative approaches to generate new knowledge. He has firmly aligned himself with a growing movement that seeks to integrate socially progressive values and technological advances with the scientific method to identify real solutions to pressing health issues. Ben does this with professionalism, persistence, and optimism, and is a valued asset to any team."

Dr. Vaughan Rees - Director of the Center for Global Tobacco Control; Lecturer on Social and Behavioral Sciences at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

"I taught Ben in a graduate-level course at Harvard. He stood out for his creativity, intelligence, curiosity, and ability to think deeply even when presented with multiple levels of complexity. He is also always good-natured and enthusiastic about learning new ideas. He also sets high standards for his performance and puts in the extra effort needed to meet them. I highly recommend Ben."

Dr. Jennifer Lerner - Co-Founder and Former Director of Harvard Decision Science Labratory; Professor of Public Policy and Management at Harvard Kennedy School